Order of St. John Paul II


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This week, the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church returns us to “Ordinary Time”, a time when we “count” the weeks, one after another.  Today, for instance, is the Monday of Week 1 in Ordinary Time.  But in English, “ordinary” has another meaning.  Using …

Today we come to the end of the Christmas Season by celebrating the third great epiphany, the showing to the world God in human person.  The first ‘epiphany’ was at the birth of the child Jesus in the stable at Bethlehem, when he was …

It might appear that those who offer their services to voluntary organizations, religious life, or Non-Governmental Organizations do so with altruistic motives.  But today’s readings (1 John 5:14‑21 and John 3:22-30) are a warning that the devil is smart and subtle and is always …

Here we are at the beginning of a new year, moving from the Christmas season to Ordinary Time. I admit that I love the Christmas season, perhaps because it seems so overlooked in our culture in which the “Christmas season” begins on Thanksgiving and …

Today’s gospel passage (Luke 4:14-22) portrays Jesus stepping out into his mission, his public life, defining that mission using the words from Isaiah.  All the events that follow, all his preaching, all his miracles and his eventual passion, death and resurrection, represent a living …

“If we love one another, God dwells in us,and His love is brought to perfection in us.”1 John 4:12 In today’s readings, Jesus has just fed the five thousand men with the five loaves and two fish.  He has performed a great miracle before …

What is happening in the world today reminds me of a case study in behavior modification.  Charles Duhigg is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author who wrote, The Power of Habit—Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business.  He tells the story of a US …

Remember how there was only a reduced Fourth Week of Advent this liturgical year?  Well, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has given us another twist this year. USCCB has moved Epiphany from the traditional January 6th to January 5th so Epiphany would fall on …

Today’s Solemnity of The Epiphany of the Lord (traditionally celebrated January 6) takes me back 51 years, back to when I was a young scientist embarking on a career in scientific diplomacy.   While working in Germany, I had the opportunity to travel to …

The scripture readings today remind us that we all are called to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. We are reminded that, as Christians, we are a called and chosen people, that we have received from Jesus the assurance of joy and eternal life …

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