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The most important and significant event in the whole course of human history will be celebrated, with or without understanding, at the end of this Advent season. For many, the towering miracle of God’s visit to this planet will be glossed over, brushed aside, …
A voice cries in the wilderness:Prepare a way for the Lord,make his paths straight.Every valley will be filled in,every mountain and hill be laid low,winding ways will be straightenedand rough roads made smooth.And all mankind shall see the salvation of God.(Isaiah 40: 1-5) John …
Yesterday, we talked about how Jesus, while still in his mother’s womb, was taking the Good News to those who were prepared to acknowledge his presence. Today’s gospel reading (Matthew 9:35‑10:1,6‑8) shows Jesus as an adult constantly on the move, teaching in synagogues all …
Each Advent, the Church asks us to spend some time focusing on the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Church does this not merely because Mary has an obviously unforgettable role in the birth and life of Jesus. The real reason that the Church proposes Mary …
There are times when Jesus’ parables can cast light on our current problems, and other times when current problems cry out for light from the parables. Today’s readings (Matthew 7:21, 24-27) are a case in point. The current crises in both our church and …
On that day,A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,and from his roots a bud shall blossom.The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him:a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,A Spirit of counsel and of strength,a Spirit of knowledge and of fear …
Part 2 Yesterday, we talked about the three themes for the advent season: a time of waiting; a time of conversion; and a time of hope. We talked about how the Church has a profound calling to make Advent more than just a set …
Part 1 Each December brings the same temptation for Catholics: Join the commercially oriented Christmas frenzy in nearly every corner of modern society; or avoid it for the sake of focusing on living and breathing the meaning of Advent in preparation of the real Christmas season. …
Today we begin the liturgical season of Advent, starting a new Church Year. Advent is the season of patient waiting for the coming of our redeemer. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Advent has a twofold character, for it is a …
Today marks the end of Ordinary time in our liturgical calendar. Tomorrow, we begin Advent, the beginning of our new liturgical year. In my Daily Reflection when Ordinary time began, way back on January 8th, I told you that Ordinary Time is anything but …