Order of St. John Paul II


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Paul wrote a first letter, now lost, to the Church in Corinth in the fall of 50 AD.  This letter was not well received.  The Corinthians wrote back asking for specific clarifications.  In the spring of 51, Paul wrote back, giving us what we …

With today’s Gospel reading (Mark 7:31-37) we enter a central part of Mark’s Gospel. The section begins with the healing of a deaf man and ends with the healing of a blind man. These are not just miracle stories about Jesus’ power; rather, they …

Today’s first reading (1 Corinthians 4:6-15) continues yesterday’s passage. Paul has been describing himself and Apollos as stewards or managers of God’s message. He argues that the focus should be totally on the message rather than on the messengers. The Corinthians should not be …

Today’s gospel (Luke 5:33-39) refers to problems associated with change.  Jesus uses parables to teach about these problems, though his teaching is somewhat enigmatic.  First, tearing a piece from a new cloak to patch an old one does seem rather silly.  Other gospel writers …

The Wise Being Foolish

All this talk in today’s readings (1 Corinthians 3:18-23; Psalm 24; and Luke 5:1-11) about the wise being foolish, sort of has me, as people in my generation used to say, “bummed”. Probably because I am one of the wise guys that Paul is …

After driving out the demon from the man in the synagogue, Jesus goes to the house of Simon (Luke 4:38-44). There, He heals Simon’s mother-in-law who is sick with a severe fever.  She instantly recovers. The news of His miraculous healings and exorcisms spread …

Throughout history, great leaders have arisen to lead peoples, nations, and kingdoms. There have been such leaders from ancient times until the present, leaders like Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Constantine, Tamerlane, Charles V, Suleiman the Magnificent, and Napoleon. These leaders ruled vast territory and …

Today we begin the reading from Luke’s Gospel, which will bring us to the end of the Church year. We have already gone through Matthew’s and Mark’s, and John’s Gospel has been spread through various parts of the year, especially during the Advent, Christmas, …

After five weeks of reflecting on the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel and the theme of Jesus as the Bread of Life, we return today to our readings from Mark’s Gospel. The theme for today’s readings is the nature of true religion (Mark 7:1-8, …

In today’s reading (1 Corinthians 1:17-25), a distinction is made between true and false wisdom. Paul presents us with one of the most central concepts of his teaching, and indeed of our Christian faith. He begins by saying that Christ had not sent him …

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