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Do you ever celebrate a chair? Probably not, but we are not totally unfamiliar with the idea of a chair as a stand-in for its occupants, as well as for their role. I think of the bishop’s chair in a cathedral, for example (which …
Having warned his disciples of the future that lies ahead for him, Jesus now calls the crowds and his disciples together, and lets them know, in no uncertain terms, what following him entails (Mark 8:34 – 9:1): To be a follower of Jesus is …
Since the beginning of Mark’s gospel, the question has been repeatedly asked: “Who is Jesus?” Today we get the answer (Mark 8:27-33). Like yesterday’s blind man, the previously blind and deaf disciples today show that they are beginning to see more clearly. Jesus himself …
We are approaching a high point in Mark’s gospel. It is preceded by today’s strategically placed story (Mark 8:22-26). At first glance it looks like a simple healing story of a blind man but, as in most of Mark’s miracles, there is a deeper …
The symbol of the flood (Genesis 6:5-8: 7:1-5,10) is familiar to us in our theology of Baptism: a cleansing, a promise to become our best selves for God. God “was grieved” that there was such “wickedness on earth.” The flood was not destruction for …
What more does God want of us? In the first reading today (Genesis 4:1-15, 25), the story of Cain and Abel, no one really knows why God was pleased with Abel’s meat offering and was not pleased with Cain’s offering of the fruit of …
In the political system of the United States, the President gets to select those persons he wishes to fill the various Cabinet positions in his administration. He occasionally has the duty and opportunity to make a nomination to fill a vacancy on our …
Today the Man and the Woman experience the consequences of their disobedience to God (Genesis 3:9-24). It begins with a sad dialogue between God and the Man and the Woman. God is looking for them in the Garden, asking “Where are you?” God, of …
As I reflect on today’s readings, I am somewhat uncomfortable because in the first reading (Genesis 3:1-8) I am confronted with the question of guilt and shame. All of us experience guilt, that feeling of responsibility or remorse for an offense we have committed, …
I love today’s Gospel story (Mark 7:24-30). Jesus is so clever and is always the teacher. In one story after another, Jesus is surprising his observers – who are primarily his disciples (and us). He is showing them how the Kingdom of God is …