Order of St. John Paul II


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Had yesterday not been the Solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist, it would have been the Monday of Week 12 in Ordinary Time Year II.  The Old Testament Reading prescribed for that day (2 Kings 17:5‑8, 13‑15, 18) continues the tragic …

Apart from Mary and Joseph, John the Baptist is the only saint who has two feasts to himself: One, in August, that celebrates his death; and one, in June, that celebrates his birth. This is as it should be, for as Christ himself said, …

Stormy Seas

Yesterday I had to look deep to see the connection between the Scripture readings.  That is not the case today.  The theme seems to be that God reveals himself by calming stormy water. During the Sundays of Ordinary Time this year, we are reading …

Conflicting Messages

When I first read today’s readings (2 Chronicles 24:17‑25 and Matthew 6:24–34), they did not seem to belong together.  Chronicles tells us about King Joash seeming to have learned nothing from the consequences of a sinful society, even though he himself had been saved from death …

If we thought Queen Jezebel was bad, wait until we read about Queen Athalia (2 Kings 11:1-20).  She was a daughter of King Ahab, but Jezebel probably was not her mother.  Her influence on King Jehoram, her late husband, however, paralleled that of Jezebel …

In Conclusion

After hearing about the exploits of Elijah in the Second Book of Kings, concluded in yesterday’s reading, today (Sirach 48:1‑15) we hear Sirach’s poetic description and praise of this prophet.  Sirach provided a similar writing about David’s life. Recall that in a previous Daily …

Holy Friendship

For some time now, the First Readings at Mass have followed the prophet Elijah, arguably the most righteous person in the Old Testament.  He has lived a long life, been at the center of many dramatic events, and has trained a replacement, young Elisha. …

Naboth’s Vineyard

The Old Testament readings this week continue the narrative about King Ahab and his wife Jezebel. Starting in 1 Kings 21, we hear the story of Naboth, a man from Jezreel, a fertile plain in the northern part of present-day Israel.  Naboth owns an …

Sermon On The Mount

Our Gospel readings of this past week have been taken from the Sermon on the Mount.  This sermon stretches over 3 chapters in Matthew’s Gospel and is the longest single stretch of Jesus’ teachings to be found in Scripture.  The purpose of the sermon …

In 587 BC, the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple, the center of Israel’s worship of God and the visible sign of His presence with them.   Most of the people were carted off to Babylon, where they would stay, in exile, for …

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