Order of St. John Paul II


Director - Fr. Julius

Fr. Julius K. Kaburu


My name is Father Julius Kiogora Kaburu. I was born on March 1st, 1980, and raised in Kenya, Africa. Growing up in a devoted Catholic Family, I felt a strong desire to become a priest and was ordained on 12/18/2010.

I am the eldest child in my family. I have two brothers and one sister. All my family members are living in Kenya. My second born sister works as an account clerk in Embu university and third born brother is working as an assistant Bank manager, Last born brother is in college pursuing veterinary studies.

I hold academic degree in philosophy, diploma in theological studies and many certificates like peace resolution and conflict management, judicial conflict management etc. I did all my studies in Kenya.

When I became a priest, I worked in various number of parishes and High school as Christian religious teacher until I was promoted by my local ordinary Bishop Rt. Rev. Salesius Mugambi, catholic Bishop of Meru Diocese in Kenya to come and work in America under the diocese of Sacramento, that was September 27th, 2019.

Here in America, I have worked in three Parishes: St joseph parish Lincoln, Good shepherd parish Elk Grove, and currently at St John the Baptist Folsom until the next move. I’m also the Chaplain of Swahili speaking community in North California.

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