Order of St. John Paul II

After The Synagogue – His Heart Was Constantly “Moved With Pity”

In today’s Gospel (Mark 1:29-39), Jesus enters Peter’s home and immediately heals his mother-in-law, who was seriously ill to the point of death. Peter already had witnessed some of Christ’s miracles, but THIS healing, under HIS own roof, of a member of HIS own family, moves him deeply. Not only is she completely restored, but she begins to wait on them, as we can imagine she would have done before she got sick. In our own lives, we can read about Christ, share insights with others, and even preach about him, but our souls change forever and irrevocably when Christ touches us personally. We can delight in the truth that Our Lord wants familial intimacy with each of us. He wants to “make it personal.” 

No sooner had Jesus cured Peter’s mother-in-law than the whole town shows up for healings or exorcisms. Jesus was, by now, a very popular preacher. He teaches with authority. He shows great compassion. And he has powerful healing gifts. His ministry is moving forward with great momentum, and he is entering the dynamic, busy, interpersonal, exhausting yet exhilarating period of His public ministry. For the next three years, Jesus will work tirelessly, often not even stopping to eat (Mark 3:20). When our ministry is tiring, when we have given all we have to give, when we’re so exhausted that we are tempted to discouragement, even then we can learn from Jesus. Although he tired, his heart was constantly “moved with pity,” or “moved by compassion,” so that he never ceases to do the Father’s will, to bless, to heal, to restore, and to redeem mankind. In our limited way, we are called to do the same in the short time we have to give to Jesus, remembering that we do our best work when we rely on Jesus, not on our own strength. 

Even after dark, the crowds continued to come to Peter’s house for healing, likely staying until very late.  Yet Jesus got up “before dawn” to pray in a deserted place, a haven of silence and solitude. Do we need any further encouragement to set our alarms so that we have time to pray each morning—for twenty minutes before the kids wake up, or thirty minutes before our priestly duties begin, or an hour before it’s time to exercise? Whatever in our lives prompts us to start the day, Our Lord is clearly calling us to begin beforehand with prayer. Notice, he didn’t rouse his disciples to join him at that early hour. He wants us to decide, out of love, to rise in time for prayer. 

Lord, I want to imitate you in all things: in your love and compassion for my neighbor, in your tenacity and fortitude, and in your desire to be alone at times with the Father, steeped in prayer. Bless me and continue to transform my heart to be more like yours.

May God Bless You and Grant You His Peace!

Dr. Terry Rees
Superior General/Executive Director
Order of St. John Paul II
916-896-1327 (office)
916-687-1266 (mobile)
Building the City of God®

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