Order of St. John Paul II

By Faith Alone – Reach Out In Love To Those In Need

Paul continues today (Galatians 3:7-14) explaining the concept of justification by faith. The Jews believed that Abraham was their father in faith, that they were direct descendants of Abraham.  Note that Matthew, writing for Jews, traces the genealogy of Jesus back to Abraham. Paul extends this belief to include everyone whose life is based on faith in God’s word.    Note again that Luke, writing for Gentiles, traces Jesus’ genealogy back to Adam.   

Paul says that all believers, both Jews and Gentiles, are Abraham’s spiritual children. The offspring of Abraham are all those whose lives are based on faith rather than external observance of the Law. Paul sees this already foretold in the book of Genesis when God tells Abram to leave his country and become a great nation. At that time God had said, “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. (Genesis 12:3)

Abraham is constantly presented as the archetype of the man of total faith in God. Several times, against all logic and reason, he trusted in God’s promises and was not disappointed. Now Paul says that all those who have a similar faith in God will receive the same blessings as Abraham. And it is faith, not observance of external laws, that brings this about.

In fact, Paul sees the keeping of the Law as a kind of curse. Keeping the law leads many to think that God can be won around, that they can ‘earn’ salvation, by their scrupulous keeping of rules. But the book of Deuteronomy (quoted here by Paul) says: “Cursed is anyone who does not observe and obey ALL (emphasis added) the things written in the book of the law.”  Paul is clearly arguing that, as no one can possibly do all that the Law requires without failing in some degree, this curse cannot be avoided. James made the same argument, in his letter, when he tells us that: “…whoever keeps the whole law but fails in just one point has become accountable for [failing in] all of it. (James 2:10)

Further, observance of the Law is not the means by which we are put right by God, because (and here Paul quotes from Habakkuk in the Old Testament): “…the one who is righteous will live by faith.” In fact, the original text from Habakkuk said by “faithfulness” (Habakkuk 2:4). Paul is following the Greek Septuagint where the Hebrew ‘faithfulness’ is rendered by ‘faith’. Faithfulness is derived from faith.

Paul’s argument here and, at greater length in Romans, can be summarized as follows:  The Law gives information—it does not give spiritual strength. No law, whether Mosaic or otherwise, not even the primordial command given to Adam, can prevent sin. Law makes sin worse because, though law is not the source of sin, it becomes the instrument of sin by arousing concupiscence [in this context, arousing the desire to sin]; because by informing the mind it increases the fault, which becomes a conscious ‘transgression;’ because the only remedy the law can offer is punishment, it becomes a curse, leading to condemnation and death; hence the Law can be called the “law of sin and death”.

Paul then, in his usual dramatic way, turns the tables. Those who had become cursed by their constant failure to keep the Law can be rescued and liberated by Christ, who himself became an object of curse by dying for us on the tree of the cross. Paul clarifies this by quoting from Deuteronomy: “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree…” In this way, the blessing of Abraham, promised to “all nations” in Genesis, is realized for all, Jew and Gentile alike. By bypassing the mere observance of the Law, we are all filled with the Spirit through faith, our unconditional throwing of ourselves into the loving arms of our God. What Paul tells the Galatians is true for us, too.

Of course, we Christians do not now follow the Jewish law—or do we? When asked what is specific to their religion, many Catholics will say “the Ten Commandments”. A ‘good’ Catholic is one who keeps the Ten Commandments and the “commandments of the Church” (though they are often rather vague as to what these are). But Paul would strenuously deny that.

The Ten Commandments belong primarily to the Old Testament and to observe them, however faithfully, does not make one a Christian at all. We remember the rich man who was called to follow Jesus. He said he had kept the Commandments perfectly all his life. It was not enough. He had to reach out in love to those in need by sharing his wealth. This the man could not do: “When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving…” (Mark 10:22)

As Paul emphasizes, the essence of our Christianity is our faith in the Way of Christ; The Way is the only source of life. Keeping the Commandments is not the condition for our being saved. In fact, it is only when we are under the saving power of the Spirit of Jesus that we can begin to keep the Commandments. For the true Christian, the Commandments are almost irrelevant. The Christian is measured by one law only and that is the law of love (agape). When one keeps that commandment—to love others as Jesus has loved us—all other obligations (i.e. the Commandments) are taken care of. “Love and do what you like”, St. Augustine is supposed to have said.

The power of love comes from faith in Jesus and the exercise of that love is the measure of our closeness to him: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)  So, as Christians, we are to be measured not by how well we keep commandments and rules, but by the strength of the love that binds us to God and our brothers and sisters.

May God Bless You and Grant You His Peace!

Dr. Terry Rees
Superior General/Executive Director
Order of St. John Paul II
916-896-1327 (office)
916-687-1266 (mobile)
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