Order of St. John Paul II

September 2024

Are We Ready?

Today we have our last selection of readings from Proverbs (Proverbs 30:5-9).  We are urged to take refuge in the unalloyed or flawless word of God, which will be our most effective security in life. When we fully assimilate that word, we are endowed with a vision of life that enables us to see where

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What God Calls Us To Be

We have today a set of two-line moral aphorisms which are quite distinct from each other and with which we are not likely to quarrel (Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13). However, whether they reflect the way that we always behave is another question, so we do need to read or listen to each statement carefully. The writer

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How To Treat Your Neighbor

Today our first readings return to the Old Testament and we begin reading from some of the so-called “Wisdom” books. This week we will be reading selections from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. The wisdom books consist of a series of “wise sayings” emanating from the educated and leading class of the Jewish people in the period

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Jesus Traveling With Jesus – He Proclaims The Good News Of God’s Love

Before retiring from Federal Service 23 years ago, I used to travel frequently.  While traveling, and not frantically rushing to the gate to catch my plane, I sometimes would ‘people watch’ other travelers. There were students and business people engaged with their laptops until the very last moment before boarding. There were families, with two

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